Hey guys, I'm back for now but since I still don't have a computer(sob!) my posts will be few and far between. My life is feeling a lot like the above movie, and let me tell you, I was not a fan of that movie. I always thought Vince Vaun was such a jerk in the movie that I couldn't stand it. Compared to my ex however Vince is looking like a prince right now. Breaking up is hard to do no matter what way you slice it, but I always feel that keeping a level of maturity, even if you're angry, is so important. Especially when you live together.
I have to admit, this break up is really crushing me. In the end it wasn't even about any of the issues that had come up for us over the summer so much as his reaction to them. I don't want to go into details because I don't want to be disrespectful but I will say that he has really gone out of his way to personally attack me and while I know he's upset it's frightening to know that someone I loved for so long could be so intentionally cruel to me.
That said I have really been trying to take care of myself through all of this by cuddling with my animals, eating good, healthy meals, surrounding myself with good friends and keeping my mind on school and my new job. And yes, I got a new job, it's actually my old job that I had to leave for my internship but it is none the less wonderful. I'm a receptionist at a local hair salon, gossip, magazines and free hair cuts. Everything a recently single girl needs. I've also been watching a lot of my go to bad day shows/movies such as Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer the second season(those of you who know the show know why) and Twilight. Go ahead and judge me, but they make me feel better. I wanted to thank you all again for your sweet comments, they really do mean the world to me. And if any of you are ever in town or in my part of town there is always a chilled bottle of wine in my new single ladies pad that's just waiting for some friends to help me drink it.
What I'm Listening To:
Gypsy Part of Town- Gogol Bordello