Monday, June 29, 2009

Snuggle Bugs

Sometimes the best thing you can do to cheer yourself up is climb into bed with some friends and just cuddle.  Spooning is a big pass time here at Halsey Kingdom and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy a good snuggle.  How do your friends cheer you up?


  1. aw, that's nice :) most of my friends are guys so no cuddling is involved..

  2. My friends and I cuddle too- it's the best.

  3. with ben and jerry's and project runway marathons :)

  4. snuggling is one of my FAVORITE things. when my gals come over we call it a cuddle puddle. there are usually magazines and snacks involved. maybe an old movie. and there's nothing better.

  5. Oh definitely. We like ice cream, oreos, and movies. It never fails to cheer me up.
