Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cat Nap Like A Queen

It's getting to be that time where I could really use a nap again and I think this is the perfect place.  I know it's a bit cheesy but I love me a round bed.  I know, how Playboy Mansion of me.  It just looks so regal!  I love the subtle mix of colors and how they played with the height of the room, just glorious.  


  1. You know Ikea has a round bed- and I've seriously thought about getting it haha. I've thought the same thing about the cheesiness, but it also looks like it would be really serene. Love the photo (I have it in my inspiration folder on my desktop ;)

  2. I know, I saw the bed at Ikea and was like, hmmmmm. The only thing is it doesn't look like it would be able to fit 2 people let a lone 2 people, 2 cats and a small furry ewok like creature.

  3. i actually have this photo saved somewhere on my computer as well! i think the bohemian vibe and coloring keeps it from being cheesy. love it :)

  4. wow! no one could mistake that bed for subtle! haha! i love it- it looks like it belongs to some slinky superhero.
