Sunday, April 12, 2009


Who are your style icons?  I feel like everyone has a star, maybe a few, that they identify with.  Sometimes its stars of the past, maybe it's just their style or maybe it's their lifestyle or outlook.  For me the following three girls played a big part in influencing my style.

Kate Hudson

Kirsten Dunst 

Zooey Deschanel

What I'm Listening To:

This is Not a Test- She & Him


  1. Hi! We loved the Savant Project and will definitely be back soon, especially since we discovered they have bacon-infused vodka! Our lunch was sooo good and we want to try dinner too. Hopefully we'll see you when we go back!


  2. Com certeza estas fotos estão maravilhosas, é uma pena que eu não sei nem sobre o que se tratam, pois não entendo uma palavra do seu idioma. Por que você não comenta no meu blog também? Seria uma honra para mim! Muito obrigado.

    Abraços e boa sorte.

  3. I wish my bangs fell as perfectly as Zooey's did.
